
How to clean a radiator - and save on energy bills

With ever-increasing household bills hitting us all hard this winter, we want to make sure every penny saved counts. However, with the colder months approaching, heating will be unavoidable and expensive for many.

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How to clean a radiator - and save on energy bills

The most common type of central heating radiator is a standard model, usually white in color, metal construction and grooved panels, and they tend to collect dust and dirt that should be cleaned at least once a year, preferably in the summer after the heating season.

Dust in radiators can block the flow of heat which means the radiators have to work harder to heat the whole room. Clean your radiators as clean radiators will help you save on heating costs.

In fact, recent research has shown that a dirty heating system can increase your energy bills by up to 25%. To avoid this, all you need to do to get the most out of your radiator is to place a towel under it and run a hairdryer down the back. This way you will blow away the remaining dust and stop the accumulation.

The result is a more energy efficient radiator that will save you money. Just be sure to do this regularly to keep your radiators clean.

Fortunately, there is a handy trick to help you get the most out of your household radiators. And, according to experts, you could save significant monthly money on your bills by making just one simple change. Have you cleaned the radiators yet?

Cleaning the radiator

Here's the easiest way to do it:

Although they appear to be clean, radiators have accumulated dust and should be cleaned at least once a year, and now is the ideal time to do so. Here are several ways to remove dust.

  • First, pick up all the dust with a vacuum cleaner. The best will be a steam vacuum cleaner, but an ordinary one will have the same effect. A hair dryer can also help, which will push the dust towards the floor, and then it is easy to pick it up with a broom.
  • To wipe the surface of the radiator, you need a cloth soaked in lemon juice. After the first wipe, it is the turn of the second, with a cloth soaked only in water.
  • If you have a problem with dark spots above the radiator, they can be cleaned with a dry cloth with baking soda on it.
Cleaning the dust

Besides a clean radiator looking a lot better than a dirty one, keeping your radiator clean and free of dust and dirt can actually help keep your heating costs down. Dust between the fins of a convector radiator can prevent heat from escaping, meaning your radiators have to work harder to heat your room.

Recent research has shown that a dirty heating system can increase your energy bills by up to 25%.

It is important to take the right measures and thoroughly clean your radiators at least once a year and keep them free of dust build up on top. It's definitely a good idea to make cleaning the radiator dust and dirt part of your regular cleaning routine.

Are you using space heaters to complement your primary heating system? You should clean them too. Oil-filled radiators should be cleaned as well. You should especially take care of your space heaters with convector fans inside them and if they get dusty, less heat will transfer between them, which can lead to clogging and in the end - consume more energy.

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Why does dust and dirt collect in the radiator?

There is dust in the air all the time.

Dust is everywhere, there is not only dust in your radiators, but there may also be hair from your pets (if you have them), nicotine residues (if you are a smoker) and all other things that mix in the air in your space.

It could be that you didn't even notice the dust before this article, realistically, who regularly looks inside their radiator? If you're one of those people who doesn't look inside and behind your radiator, you'll probably find a fair amount of dust when you do.

The reason it collects all the dust and collects in your radiator is because of the airflow that helps circulate the heat around the room you are heating.

Warm air rises and cold air falls in closed rooms. As the air descends to the ground, takes dust with it and falls into the radiator, dust will also begin to collect on the back of the radiator, which is located against the wall, and over the recesses inside your radiator.